About the Artist

My work is typically large
and with captivating visual presence.
I am a US artist educated in the US & Canada. I began painting in the 1960’s and studied painting at the Banff School of Fine Arts, Banff, Canada and exhibited there in the 1970’s. I studied painting under the late Herman Keys. I received my BA from the George Washington University, Washington, DC, and an MBA from Dartmouth’s Tuck School in 1986. I have worked in oil, acrylic, tempera, and watercolor mediums and across representationalism and abstractionism. My work is owned by individuals and corporations across the US.
Currently I work predominantly in the abstract with oil and enamels. My paintings are filled with vibrant colors, and stimulating visual compositions, evoking strong emotional, visual, and intellectual impact. My core tenet is, “Everything Originates in The Abstract”.

In art as in science I believe that
Everything Originates in the Abstract.
Meaning that before there was the wheel,
there was an idea of a wheel.
The realm of the abstract contains not only the alpha and omega, but it is the limitless cosmos, infinite, there is no beginning and no end. Working in the realm of the abstract means all things are possible and waiting to be touched, seen, felt, discovered! There is no greater access to discovery or freedom of expression. All avenues, all tools, all materials, all conceptions are possible.
Working in the abstract in painting means that nothing is set before you to paint, such as with a sunset, a portrait, or a still life for the artist to render a representation of the worldly scene. To get into the abstract you must push into the void as Kazimir Malevich did when he produced the “Black Square”. Malevich broke the bindings of representational art that enabled future generations of artists to pursue work in the abstract.
I continue to press on, further, deeper into the abstract in my personal journey to discover ever greater understanding and bring it forth with intensity of purpose.